LK Chen present classic Tiger Fork based on Ming / Qing antiques.
Tiger Fork is a battle weapon evolved from hunting and fishing tool.
There are no definite records of when forks were use as battlefield weapons. In the novel hero of the Marsh. Two hunter brothers "Double Head Snake" Xie Zhen and "Twin Tail Scorpion" Xie Bo use tiger fork as their hunting tools as well as using the fork on the battlefield. This might shown forks were used a battle weapon as late as the Song and Yuan Dynasty. A Ming Dynasty record mentioned "During the early days of the Ming empire, the weaponry production department made "Cavalry Fork" This record shown that by the Ming Dynasty, forks were manufacture as standard military weapons in batches by the weaponry production workshop.
Most of the surviving fork today are 3 prongs forks with the central prong longer than the 2 side prongs. Forks with width less than 30 cm are consider small forks. Those close to or wider than 40 cm are classified as Large Fork. Forks can be used on horseback as well as on foot. Long forks were also used in naval warfare. Ming and Qing musketeers use the folks planted on the ground as a steady aiming frame. Forks also served as ceremonial weapons due to it grand stature.
Diamond shaped cross section with prominent spine made stiff and sturdy prongs, in the hand of a skillful owner, Tiger fork is a formidable offensive and defensive weapon.
Width: 39 cm (15.35")
Length: 60 cm (23.62")
Inner socket width 29.5mm
Weight: 1406 gram (3 lb)
GB 60Si2MnA High Carbon Manganese Spring Steel
(Compare to AISI/SAE 5160 spring steel)
Element % 60Si2MnA AISI/SAE 5160
Carbon 0.56-0.64 0.56-0.61
Silicon 1.60-2.00 0.15-0.35
Manganese 0.60-0.90 0.75-1.00
Phosphorus <=0.030 <=0.035
Sulfur <=0.030 <=0.040
Chromium <=0.35 0.70-0.90
Nickel <=0.35 <=0.25
Superior heat treatment:
Hardness 54-55 HRC.
Forks mount on long pole used in naval warfare.
Horseback hunter with a two prongs cavalry fork.
Hunting with Tiger Fork by the future Qing Emperor as a young duke.
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