Tang Heng Dao is one of standard weapon of the migthy Tang military. Tang Heng Dao represents the height of blade forging technology of the time. As an expensive military resources, Tang legal code forbidden the use of Tang Dao as funeral goods. As a result, there are very few Tang Dao unearthed. The best surving Tang Dao is in Nara Japan.
Tang Heng Dao is a single handed straight dao featuring a scabbard with two-point suspension system influenced by the Sassanian swords. The two-point suspension system enables the dao to be worn in a more or less horizontal (Heng 橫) position. Tang Heng Dao was used for combat on foot as well as on horseback. Heng Dao was compact, light weight, and was the standard regulation side arm for conscripts, elite troops, commanding officers and imperial guards.
Heng dao was expensive to make and each piece worth about one month's salary of a junior level government official. As an expensive military resource, Heng Dao was forbidden to be used as funeral goods. As a result, there were very few unearthed specimens found today. Fortunately, Heng Dao was pursued by the Japanese delegates and sent back to Japan as treasures for the royal court and those few rare Heng Dao samples are preserved in Nara today.
Specifications (approx.)
Sword only weight: approx. 860 g (1 lb. 15 oz)
Blade Length: 70.5 cm (27.75")
Handle Length: 21.5 cm (8.46")
Total Length: 93 cm (36.6")
Length of upper edge at tip 10.2 cm (4")
POB from hand guard 11 cm (4.33")
Gradual tapering
Width at hand guard: 3 cm (1.1")
Width at 10.2 cm from tip: 2.33 cm (0.92")
Width at 4 cm from tip: 2.14 cm (0.84")
Thickness at hand guard: 7.41 mm
Thickness at 10.2 cm from tip: 4.68 mm
Thickness at 4 cm the tip: 4 mm
Blade cross section profile: triangular wedge shape
Blade length wide profile: straight blade, pointed tip with upper edge
Commander Grade
Labor intensive classic forging.
Folded pattern steel (1065 & T9) wraps resilient A3 steel core.
Clay clade differential tempering for hard edge.
Straight Hamon. Cut mature bamboo with ease. Pierce wooden boards.
Polish to a sharp and hard cutting edge.
Ironwood scabbard (Handroanthus serratifolius) .
S7 Shock resistant Steel Grade
S7 steel offer high impact and shock resistance.
Element %
Carbon 0.5
Silicon 0.3
Manganese 0.7
Chromium 3.25
Molybdenum 1.4
Elite Grade
T10 Tungsten-Vanadium High Speed Tool Steel.
Element %
Carbon 0.95-1.04
Silicon <=0.35
Manganese <=0.40
Phosphorus <=0.035
Sulfur <=0.030
Tungsten <= 0.30
Vanadium <= 0.02
Chromium <=0.25
Nickel <=0.20
Copper <=0.25
Molybdenum <= 0.20
Clay tempered differential heat treatment in clay furnace.
The traditional clay clad differential heat treatment will bring out a beautiful straight Hamon and hard cutting edge around HRC 56 with a resilient spine with HRC around 40-45.
Cut bamboo with ease. Pierce wooden boards.
Polish to a sharp and hard cutting edge.
Ironwood scabbard (Handroanthus serratifolius) .
Warrior Grade
GB 60Si2MnA High Carbon Manganese Spring Steel
(Compare to AISI/SAE 5160 spring steel)
Element % 60Si2MnA AISI/SAE 5160
Carbon 0.56-0.64 0.56-0.61
Silicon 1.60-2.00 0.15-0.35
Manganese 0.60-0.90 0.75-1.00
Phosphorus <=0.030 <=0.035
Sulfur <=0.030 <=0.040
Chromium <=0.35 0.70-0.90
Nickel <=0.35 <=0.25
Through tempered oil quenched mono steel blade,
Hardness 54-55 HRC.
Cut bamboo with ease. Pierce wooden boards.
Polish to a sharp cutting edge.
Wenge scabbard (Millettia laurentii) .
Decorative tassels shown on the video not included.
Blackened Iron fittings, 1:1 model after a Tang Dynasty set.
Fit and finish
We perfected the fit and finish of our swords and the assembly is meticulously performed by our senior craft masters. It takes one whole working day for a craftsman to assemble our swordsd
Sword Dynamics is first conceived by Peter Johnsson to objectively record the dynamics properties of medieval swords he encountered.
To learn how to interpret the Sword Dynamics Graph, click here!
Sword Dynamics was implemented by applied mathematician Dr. Vincent Le Chevalier as a free Weapons Dynamics Computer.
To learn how to measure basic data for the Weapons Dynamics Computer click here!
Differential tempered T10 steel with straight hamon
Philip Martin of Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship test
Tang Heng Dao
Tang Heng Dao is one of standard weapon of the migthy Tang military. Tang Heng Dao represents the height of blade forging technology of the time. As an expensive military resources, Tang legal code forbidden the use of Tang Dao as funeral goods. As a result, there are very few Tang Dao unearthed. The best surving Tang Dao is in Nara Japan.
Leather waist belt with one short and one long vertical suspension straps that tie to the P shape fittings on the scabbard.
This 2 point suspension system allow the sword to hung at 45 degree or more and was first adopted in China during the Northern Dynasties. Since then it was used throughout the Sui and Tang Dynasties until today
01 潯陽江頭夜送客 Late I was in seeing my friend off by the northern end of River Xun,
02 楓葉荻花秋瑟瑟 Autumn's maple leaves and reed flowers, a zither’s sighing portamento.
03 主人下馬客在船 I dismounted from the horse and my guest had boarded the boat,
04 舉酒欲飲無管弦 Raising wine cups to our lips nary was there music to accompany us.
05 醉不成歡惨將別 No pleasure from our tipsiness but sadness for this coming separation,
06 別時茫茫江浸月 We can see the river cascading into the moon clearly but not our future.
07 忽聞水上琵琶聲 When suddenly, strains of the lute came wafting across the waters,
08 主人忘歸客不發 The host forgets to take leave, the guest disremembering his departure.
09 尋聲闇問彈者誰 Searching for the source, asking discretely who might the player be?
10 琵琶聲停欲遲語 Then the sounds stopped before a hesitant reply came.
11 移船相近邀相見 Mooring my boat closer, I requested a face-to-face introduction.
12 添酒回燈重開宴 More added wine; more fresh candles; a banquet recommenced.
13 千呼萬喚始出來 A thousand beckoning, a myriad beseeching before her entrance made,
14 猶抱琵琶半遮面 Still clutching the lute, her half-face hidden.
15 轉軸撥絃三兩聲 Pegs were turned and strings tuned once or twice,
16 未成曲調先有情 Sounds of a melody yet to form, but with feelings fully laden.
17 弦弦掩抑聲聲思 With each string plucked and stopped, deep thoughts pouring forth,
18 似訴平生不得志 As if telling how her life was not fulfilled.
19 低眉信手續續彈 Her brows were lowered but her fingers strike with confidence,
20 說盡心中無限事 As if letting out all her heart’s endless regrets in life,
21 輕攏慢捻抹復挑 Gentle vibratos, slow double plucking, inward flicks and out again,
22 初為霓裳後綠腰 First to the tune of the Rainbow Skirt and then the Green Waisted.
23 大弦嘈嘈如急雨 The bass strings rush noisily like pelting rain,
24 小弦切切如私語 And high-pitched ones fleeting like private whispers.
25 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈 Like the roaring and sighing intricately jumbling in weltering mixture,
26 大珠小珠落玉盤 Like small and large pearls dropping on a jade platter.
27 間關鶯語花底滑 Like orioles in midst, chirping smoothly under the tree,
28 幽咽泉流水下難 Like remote gurgling spring water flowing in difficulty.
29 水泉冷澀絃凝絕 Like cold brook waters flowing over obstructions, the strings congealed.
30 凝絕不通聲暫歇 Like congealed stoppage, the lute sounds came to a temporary halt.
31 別有幽愁暗生恨 Like regrets bursting forth from hidden sorrows.
32 此時無聲勝有聲 ‘tis the moment when silence roars most loud.
33 銀瓶乍破水漿迸 Like a silver vase suddenly shattered, liquid contents gushing forth,
34 鐵騎突出刀槍鳴 Like an armored cavalry, brandished swords and lances in sudden unison.
35 曲終收撥當心畫 The song came to an end, the plectrum struck across the center strings.
36 四絃一聲如裂帛 Four strings but of a single voice struck like silk torn asunder.
37 東船西舫悄無言 Boats from the east, skiffs from the east, all in great silence,
38 惟見江心秋月白 Only the autumn moon upon the river in mesial silvery white.
39 沈吟放撥插絃中 One deep emitted sigh, the plectrum tucked between the center strings.
40 整頓衣裳起斂容 Her clothes evened out here and there, she put on a serious demeanor.
41 自言本是京城女 “A capital city girl I was”, as if murmuring to herself,
42 家在蛤蟆陵下住 Family from Toady Mound but lived at the lower end.
43 十三學得琵琶成 By thirteen, an accomplished lute player I had become.
44 名屬教坊第一部 In the imperial registry of the first section my name be found.
45曲罷常教善才服 Often when my playing ends, enthralled were my music masters,
46 妝成每被秋娘妬 Each and every time my makeup's done, ladies in lavender seethe in envy.
47 五陵年少爭纒頭 Came vying for my hair ribbons were young and wealthy scions of the Five Mounds,
48 一曲紅綃不知數 How many bolts of red silk gauze just for one song, I know not.
49 鈿頭銀篦擊節碎 My inlaid silver comb, a timekeeping piece would lay in shatters,
50 血色羅裙翻酒汙 Like blood stains, my dress befouled with overturned wine.
51 今年歡笑明復年 Laughter and merriment of this year repeated for the next,
52 秋月春風等閑度 From autumn moon to wind of spring, my time frittered away in leisure.
53弟走從軍阿姨死 Then for the military, my god-brother went and my aunt passed on,
54 門前冷落鞍馬稀 Desolate was my front door as of then, no longer with saddled traffic.
55 暮去朝來顏色故 Evenings went, mornings came and colors of my cheeks became old,
56 老大嫁作商人婦 At thirty, a woman to a businessman I had become.
57 商人重利輕別離 Caring for profit, this businessman than of love,
58 月前浮梁買茶去 Why, just this last month to the city of Floating Bridges, tea buying he went.
59 去來江口守空船 Up and down on the river, this empty boat I now look after,
60 繞船月明江水寒 Round and about, to the bright moon, on the cold waters which I sailed.
61 深夜忽夢少年事 When deep into the night, a sudden dream of events in my youth,
62 夢啼妝淚紅闌干 Weeping in it, real tears befell, smudging my rouge.
63 我聞琵琶已歎息 Already in sighs upon hearing your lute,
64 又聞此言重唧唧 Weightier had they become upon hearing your words.
65 同是天涯淪落人 At the world’s edge, impoverished we two had become,
66 相逢何必曾相識 Now having met, regret no longer of not before met.
67 我從去年辭帝京 Last year I bade farewell to the imperial capital,
68 謫居臥病潯陽城 Banished to live here in the city of Xunyang, lying sick in bed.
69 潯陽地闢無音樂 Xunyang, an uncultured place with no fine music,
70 終歲不聞絲竹聲 All year long, I hear no sound of strings and flutes.
71 住近湓城地低濕 Living near to the wet low-lying areas by the city of Pan,
72 黄蘆苦竹繞宅生 Around my abode yellow reeds and bitter tasting bamboo shoots grow.
73其間旦暮聞何物 Between dusk and dawn of what do I hear?
74 杜鵑血啼猿哀鳴 Nothing but weeping of cuckoos and sobbing apes.
75 春江花朝秋月夜 Springtime over the river, blossoms over the morning, nights of the autumn moon,
76 往往取酒還獨傾 Often to wine I seek but always a lonesome cup tilted.
77 豈無山歌與村笛 Are there no folksong or village flute to speak of?
78 嘔啞嘲哳難為聽 Yes, but so nauseous sounding that I puke till I'm mute!
79 今夜聞君琵琶語 Tonight, I hear the language from your lute,
80 如聽仙樂耳暫明 In that moment, as if faerie music had suddenly raptured my ears.
81 莫辭更坐彈一曲 Deny me not an encore request,
82 為君翻作琵琶行 For thee, a ballad of the Wandering Lute be composed.
83 感聞此言良久立 Stupefied by thy words, a long time I stood,
84 却坐促絃弦轉急 Once more reseated, my strings urged to a faster tempo.
85 淒淒不似向前聲 Her playing now became more tenebrous - quite unlike before,
86 滿座重聞皆掩泣 Upon once more heard, all wept in covered tears.
87 座中泣下誰最多 But whom in the audience wept the most?
88 江州司馬青衫濕 No one, but this Jiang Prefecture's blue robed Master of the Horse.
Excerpts from “A Song of War Chariots”
by Du Fu (712 - 770 AD)
The war‑chariots rattle,
The war‑horses whinny.
Each man of you has a bow and a quiver at his belt.
Father, mother, son, wife, stare at you going,
Till dust shall have buried the bridge beyond Ch’ang‑an.
They run with you, crying, they tug at your sleeves,
And the sound of their sorrow goes up to the clouds;
… We remember others at fifteen sent north to guard the river
And at forty sent west to cultivate the camp‑farms.
The mayor wound their turbans for them when they started out.
With their turbaned hair white now, they are still at the border,
At the border where the blood of men spills like the sea —
And still the heart of Emperor Wu is beating for war.
杜甫 (712 - 770 AD)
Kane Shen and partner traces the influence of Tang Dao to Japanese sword development
Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
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